Monday, July 28, 2014

The Wenie-ator

The idea is that you ride underneath on your bike (usually a motorcycle) while your girlfriend riding behind you take a bit of the hot dog hanging underneath.  The winner is the one who takes the largest bite.

Clearly lots to do in rural Iowa on the weekends...

The Day the Music Died

February 3, 1959. . . Clear Lake... that's where Buddy Holly died.  Check me out on the stage of the Surf Ballroom...

REO Speedwagon

I made tons of clips of music.  This one was wonderfully over the top.  The lead singer begins singing "America the Beautiful"... the crowd starts chanting "USA...USA" and then they launch into Riding the Storm Out"...

The Animals

Nothing like biking with your bird...

I saw lots of folk taking their dogs... including one very large retriever pulled in a car carrier.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Hi – family and friends. Have safely made it back home. Major IT problems prevented me from additional posts on the road. Check the blog for further updates later today

- bjw

Location:Tremont Ave,Lexington-Fayette,United States